According to Government statistics, men of all social classes in Britain visit pubs
, though the kind of pub they
be different and their reasons
there vary, too. Nowadays they often take their wives or girl-friends, which used
The fact is that the typical English pub is changing, partly
the licensing laws not being so strict as they were, but also because publicans are trying
away with the old Victorian image of the pub and instead provide couples with an atmosphere where they
to open only at certain times.
they were usually
with men who seemed
as much as possible in the time available.
is rapidly becoming
Curiously enough, the old licensing laws,
found so objectionable and absurd, were originally introduced as a temporary measure to stop workers
in the First World War.
Afterwards, the strong Puritanical element in Parliament took
the law and retained it. Opening hours are still limited to eight hours
day, but the publican can now choose which hours
And these days you can even get a cup of coffee if you
But in spite of this Puritans
that a pub could become a respectable place.